This video and photos are must see clips on how to improve your golf swing with PGA Golf Professional Gary Balliet - when you simplify your golf grip you will simplify your swing!

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Hi my name is Gary Balliet - PGA Life member I have given over 50 thousand golf lessons over a 45 year period. The golf grip you are about to view is used by the majority of golfers around the world. Without this golf grip golfers will seldom reach their potential. I break it down showing where the pressure points are located, how the right hand compliments the left hand and the major faults made when gripping by your 15 to 30 handicap player. Golfers seldom improve because they are afraid to take a lesson and afraid to change their GRIP. Take a chance and dare to see what happens. Grip-it-and-rip-it!

Gary Balliet.....Life-Time member of the PGA

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Eliminate the squeezing of thumb and fore finger
Do Not Pinch with your thumb and forefinger at any point in the golf swing

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The best golfers in the world swing the golf club with most of the grip pressure in the last 2-3 fingers in the left (forward) hand

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overlapping grip allows the right hand to stay softer on the club - notice there are no windows between fingers

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